
The best lessons learned have been through colloboration. Looking for other creative minds to work, grow and network.


Acta Non Verba

There is something fascinating about picking apart the atoms of communication we take for granted and figuring out how they came to be what they are. At one level it comes to us as second nature but it's like cracking a beautiful code that's amazing to watch.



Deeds not words. Latin letters are seriously complicated – so why keep using them? Shorthand lets you write faster, with less effort, and more frequently than longhand. Contrary to dictation, it also supports random access.



Does efficieny equal innovation? Striving for Efficiency should sound familiar and under the right context it's a worthy virture. Efficiency is great in an unchanging world, but to expect an enviornment to remain static is unrealistic.


Data Visulatization

Good visualisations turn humans into highly efficient computers. Turning those visualizations into a narrative is the essennce of modern Business Intelligence.



Experiences are invaluable and they last forever. Immerse yourself in any foreign land you might visit. I love to get a gym membership - it's amazing how much you can learn by simply embedding youreself in the coulture.



Saved the best for last - my passion and panacea. My love for long distance running started years ago with a rescue dog. Running is a way to disconnect from all electronical devices and aimlessly roam. There is no better way to get to know a city than by running her streets while taking in the surroundings.


Egōmet is Latin for improve. It reminds me that learning did not end with a graduate school; it meant the next chapter had only begun. Learning is a ifelong passion that is filled with learning new skills and acquiring new knowledge.

Some of my heroes

The importance of fundamentals, the value of true strategy, the power of flexibility. How it flows like water, how it relates to the constellations in the sky, how history is remembered, how it appeals to intuition – yet remains mysteriously elusive.

I don’t think many people appreciate silence or realize that it is as close to music as you can get.

We never shape the world . . . the world shapes us.

- Toni Morrison Novelist

“Managers tend to pick a strategy that is the least likely to fail, rather then to pick a strategy that is most efficient," Said Palmer. " The pain of looking bad is worse than the gain of making the best move."

- Michael Lewis Author

There is a computer disease that anybody who works with computers knows about. It's a very serious disease and it interferes completely with the work. The trouble with computers is that you 'play' with them!

- Richard Fenyman Physist